Retirement Survey

This retirement survey is help you determine whether you are ready to take the next step into retirement in the next 3-5 years. This preparation is voluntary. Circle Yes or No for each of the questions. If you answered yes to all the questions you are ready and prepared for retirement. If not, there may be some areas that you need to work on.

1.     How many years to retirement.    1-3 years    3-5 years   other______.


2.    Have you started to think about what you would like to do in retirement. Yes   No.


3.    Do you have a plan?   Yes   No


4.    Do you plan to retire in the same area as you live. Yes   No.  If no, where do you plan to retire? _________________


5.    Did you know that your identity will change when you retire. Are you prepared for the change. Yes   No.


6.    Have you thought about your purpose in life and self worth after you retire. Yes  No  Comment_______________________


7.    How will you purposefully spend your time with fulfilling activities and interests?

